
Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's SNOWING in October?!?

So I've had the craziest week...and today it gets capped off with 4-12 inches of snow and a wedding to attempt to get to tonight. This is my view out of one of the library windows. 

Most of this week centered around testing....YUCK!

First, I found out the I passed the Middle School Language Arts Praxis in addition to passing the MS Science and Social Studies tests last month!!! I am so relieved to have it done with! Now I want to get one more science credit for certification (stinks that most science classes are 4 credits though), 6 more for language arts, and I just have to send in paperwork for social studies. Then I'll have 5 certifications! You never know just what our governor might do to cause more job losses, so you can never be too "certified" or pay for enough pieces of paper.... On a bright note, at least he's not running for President!
Between the Praxis and grading, I am all tested out right now. Our reading and math series required us to complete diagnostic tests at the beginning of the year. We have 3 separate sheets to keep track of scores on - 2 for the whole class and one for each individual child. We also had to give a writing assessment last week. I have to give a math test every three weeks, but a quiz just about once a week. We have to give reading and spelling tests every week, and a unit test every 5 weeks.  I'm not even going to talk about the science and social studies tests or homework.

Don't get me wrong, I can tell a lot about what my students learned (at least in the short term) by giving tests, it's just that I spend so much time giving them and grading them that it affects my planning time! I feel bad enough for the kids (who are used to it by now), but is even harder to keep up with grading 22 of everything!

Anyway, I have to celebrate finishing MY I added a sweet $15 Target gift card to my 200 Followers Giveaway...not many entries yet so you have a great chance of winning!