
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Classroom things I love! no particular order...
      writing paper software   
(perfect for differentiation!)
storage clipboards
    directions/work area on top, materials inside!
Epson document camera
(I don't know how I ever taught without one!)
Promethean Board / Promethean Planet
(so hard to use a chalkboard / white board after this!)
(the best clip art, much easier to manipulate than Word)
pen / magnetic staple remover
(no more broken nails or dropped staples!)
United Streaming Videos
(from the Discovery Channel - not free)
OnCourse online lesson plans
(makes collaboration so easy, plus they're saved online and standards are easy to add)
(lets you view / control classroom computer screens)
double sided magnetic whiteboard with storage
(you can also hang chart paper from it and store big books inside)
Teachers Pay Teachers - a great place to share materials made by amazing teachers!
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
Tide To Go Pen
An awesome website, where local people post things they don't want anymore, instead of selling it or throwing it away! You can also request items - I got bookshelves for my classroom and an aquarium!
Thirty One Gifts - looove their lunchboxes and bags!
My twin sister's humor. Check out her blog (click the picture), she's also a teacher...and pregnant at the moment, making her harder to deal with, but even funnier. (No, we aren't identical - she has blonde, curly hair!)

What things can you just not live without in your classroom? Link up!