
Friday, January 6, 2012

New Years Resolutions

I have one main New Years Resolution, to be less wasteful of time, money, energy, and resources. I will stay positive no matter what happens because I know all things are possible when you surround yourself with amazing people! Every year I say this year will be my best ever...and despite crazy setbacks, it always is. I always end up right where I'm meant to be :) Here's what I'm going to do:

  • See close family members at least every 6 months, or more often if they are nearby. Skype with those who aren't at least once a month and talk on the phone or through text at least once a week.
  • Open all mail and paperwork as soon as I get it. Recycle what I don't need, then write out checks or make automatic payments right away. File away important paperwork immediately. No more clutter!
  • Put away shoes and hang up clothes after wearing or deciding not to wear them.
  • Go through my closet and dresser once a month to donate clothes I don't wear.
  • Clip coupons and actually use them before they expire.
  • Use coupon and discount codes before hitting "buy" online.
  • Leave all items in my online "cart" for at least 24 hours before buying.
  • Only buy what I can eat within 2 weeks of purchase.
  • Keep my purse and car extremely organized. 
  • Load dirty dishes into the dishwasher as soon as they are done being used and empty it as soon as they are clean.
  • Sew any holes or missing buttons back on as soon as I notice it. Otherwise I'll wait months!
  • Watch what I say and how I say it before I say it. 

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