Are you looking to get your students writing more creatively? Are you tired of personal narratives and persuasive writing? Maybe it's time to focus on other genres.
Download my writing fables, fairy tales, folktales, legends, and myths genres posters for free by clicking on the fables page to take you to Google Docs or click the link underneath to download it free from my new Teachers Pay Teachers page (hopefully it will be embedded soon). 

**It's free - all I ask is that you follow my blog or leave a comment if you don't have one of your own!**
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears narrated by James Earl Jones
Download a tall tales bingo game by clicking on the image above.
Visit Scholastic's Myths, Folktales, and Fairy Tales website for information on reading and writing each type of story as well as publishing your own!
Use Starfall to teach younger students about fables, folktales, and fables!
Check out the American Folklore blog for text of each of these types of genres.