Monday, April 4, 2022

Creative Ways to Get Kids Reading

This post could also be called 

"How to Be The Coolest Reading Teacher Ever!"

Use a child's strengths in other subject areas! Interdisciplinary lessons are the most engaging and effective for all students. Most of these involve books and printables, but if you're looking for something different, see the bottom of the post - and / or leave a message. I just may have another post coming!

Read recipes and cook. This has an added bonus of teaching math and science at the same time! Read menus and restaurant reviews.

Read comics. Here are some of our favorites: 

Read mysteries. It's easier to pay attention to details when you call them clues. Drawing conclusions is way more fun when you're solving a crime!

Learn globally. Read about people all over the world.

Skip parts of the book! There are many books where you get to choose what happens next. Here is an awesome review as well as plot analysis of this type of literature.

Read sports recaps and magazines. Create charts and graphs that show statistics. Discuss patterns you've noticed and predict what will happen next. 

Read diaries. 

  • Dear America - historical fiction stories written from the point-of-view of young girls throughout American history
  • The Royal Diaries - historical fiction written from the point-of-view of young girls throughout world history and based on real people
  • My Name is America - historical fiction stories written from the point-of-view of young boys throughout American history

Read signs. Take pictures of them and write stories that include them in the plot. 

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